What information can the Hospital or Healthcare Provider login access?

What information can the Hospital or Healthcare Provider login access?

In order for a Hospital or Healthcare Provider to get any user information they would need to enter the following:

Patient Last Name:
Your Name:
Hospital Name:
Hospital Telephone:
Hospital City and State:

Once they login with the above information they will have access to the below information:

User Information
Last Name , First Name
Address 1
Address 2
City, State Zip Code
Home Phone
Mobile Phone

Physician Information
Physician Name
Practice Name

Important Documents*
File Name - Uploaded Date - [DownloadFile]
* ONLY files from the Advances Directives section from the Medical tab. This includes files that are marked read only

Emergency Contacts
Last Name, First Name, Relationship, Home #, Work #, Cell #

Name of Allergies

Medical Conditions
Name of Medical Conditions

Medication Name, Frequency, Dosage