Private/Incognito Mode

Private/Incognito Mode

When visiting any website, all data such as text, media(pictures), and cookies are loaded stored on your computer for faster viewing. Private/Incognito mode is a setting that prevents the browser from storing any date. This mode may take the page slightly longer to load however this will avoid any corrupt cookie problems or presentation of old website code. 

Here are instructions on accessing Private/Incognito Mode on the most popular browsers on the market:

  • Click the menu icon in the top-right corner of the browser window. (On Windows, it will be three line and on macOS, it will be three dots.) 
  • Click “New Incognito Window”. (You can also access this option from the File menu on a Mac.)


  • Alternatively, press the keyboard shortcut Control+Shift+N on Windows or Command+Shift+N on a Mac.

How do I know if I'm in Incognito Mode? Look for the man-in-a-hat icon On Windows, this will be in the upper left-hand corner. On a Mac, this will be in the upper-right corner. (On some systems running the newest version of Chrome, the window will also be dark grey.)

  • Click the menu in the upper-right corner. 
  • Click “New Private Window”. (You can also access this option from the File menu on a Mac.)


  • Alternatively, press the keyboard shortcut Control+Shift+N on Windows or Command+Shift+N on a Mac.

How do I know if I'm in Private Browsing Mode? Your window will have a purple bar across the top of the window and an icon in the upper-right corner.

  • Click the gear icon in the upper-right corner
  • Click "Safety"
  • Click "InPrivate Browsing"


  •  Alternatively, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+P

How do I know if I'm in InPrivate Browsing Mode? There will be a blue box next to the location bar, which also bears the label “InPrivate”.

  • Click the menu icon in the upper-right corner (it will be three dots)
  • Click "New InPrivate Browsing Window"


  •  Alternatively, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+P

How do I know if I'm in InPrivate Browsing Mode? The entire browser window will be grey and each tab will say “InPrivate”.

Safari: Open a Private Browsing Window

  • Click the "File" on the top menu
  • Click "New Private Window"


  •  Alternatively, press the keyboard shortcut Shift+Command+N

How do I know if I'm in Private Browsing Mode? The URL bar will be greyed out and a band along the top of the new tab window will indicate that you’re in private browsing mode.